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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The Divorcé part 3


   It wasn't a phone conversation, but a chat window on Facebook. "Yeah, it's me. Who is this?"

  "Tessa. Do you remember me?"

   I sure my pre-marriage dating days! I had met her online, chatted frequently, and had dinner with her and her son a few times, then she up and moved to Phoenix for what I assumed was job related, and I haven't seen or spoken to her since. "Vaguely," I typed.

  "I know, it's been what, 20 years?"

  "Give or take. How are you?"

  "Pretty good. Yourself?"

  "Recently divorced."

  "Oh! I am so sorry."

  "Thanks, but I think it was better for all concerned in the long run. How is life in Phoenix?"

  "Well...I am back in Vegas."

  "Ah, nice. Just get back?"

  "No...actually been back for a little over a year."

   I was amused by her 3 period hesitations, almost liek she was feeling guilty. "Well, nice to hear from you. How is your son?"

  "Oh, he's good, long moved out with a family of his own. Still in Arizona."

  "Glad he is well." The small talk was getting borning.

  "Hey..." Those 3 periods again. "How do you feel about getting together sometime?"

  "I really don't know."

  "Oh? Are you seeing someone?"

  "Nothing serious, but you move a bit fast for me."

  "I'll make it worth your while, I promise."

  "How so?"

  "Is there a reason you're being nasty?"

  "I didn't know I was, but you popping in after 20 years without a word after you moved away is a bit much for me right now. But you take care." I closed the window.

   Twelve hours later, I was sitting at my desk at work when Gil popped in. "Yo, how goes the lady life?"

  "You know, I had dinner with that Donna person last week, but apart from that nada. I didn't hear back from that psycho Wendy, either."

  "Oh shit, don't get me started on her! She sent me one fuckin' axe murder email about you. "

  "Axe murder?!"

  "Just means psychotic. I get the feeling she was anxious to meet you because she's repelled a lot of other guys."

  "Sounds right, Gil. Hey, a question, speaking of women."


  "If someone comes to you out of the blue after 20 years, what does it mean?"

   Gil laughed. "Probably means he or she is hitting you up for money."

  "I got that feeling, too."

  "Oh, this happened?"

  "Just last night. I cut her off."

  "Hung up?"

  "More like closed the chat window."

   Gil shook his head. "You and social media, I don't get it."

  "Neither do I, man, neither do I."

   About an hour later, Val stopped by. "Hey you!" She leaned over and planted a peck on my cheek.

   I blushed a bit as I replied, "What did I do to earn that?"

  "Well, I was talking to Donna last night, and she said your dinner last week was the best time she's had in a while."

   I grinned. "Ah! Then the kiss should be from her, right?"

  "It was...I was just passing it along from her."

  "Well, in that case," I leaned over and planted one on her right cheek. "Pass it back to her, when you see her next."

  "But if you see her first, I'll be carrying that message for nothing." She winked and blushed simultaneously.

  "If you don't find a recipient, give it back to me, I could use more."

   Val looked around a moment, then put her lips full into mine. No tongue, but it was getting me quite aroused. After what seemed like a pleasant eternity, she slowly pulled back. "Could you use more like that?" she asked in a husky voice.

   I gazed at her as I nodded. "Definitely!"

   She winked again as she walked away. I just sat there for a while dazzled and, as I looked down, still aroused!

   That night, I decided to try Donna on the phone. After three rings, she answered, "Hello there!"

  "Hi, just wanted to check in to see what was going on."

  "Just work really, as usual. I told you my life is hectic."

  "I know. That's why I wanted to get in a hello when I could."

   She laughed. "Well, hello back." A short pause, then "I really don't know when and really if we'll get together again."

  "Oh? I get the when, but confused by the if."

   Another pause. "Well...I was talking to Val the other night. I got the impression that she had some repressed hots for you."


  "Do you find her attractive?"

  "I do, but I try to keep that stuff to myself when it comes to colleagues. These days it can mean job security."

  "I get that, but I don't think you'd have that fear with her. What I'm getting at is I don't want to get into a triangle. I have no time for it."

  "Sure. But I'm not losing your number."

  "Please don't! I like us being friends, and I don't want to exactly friend 'zone' you, either...just let it ride, ok?"

   I smiled. "You got it!"

   We clicked off and then I went on to Facebook. I saw my messenger icon blinking, so I opened it. It was Tessa again.

  "What is your problem?"

   I sighed. "No problem," I typed. "Just too much going on."

  "Oh. I thought you said there wasn't anyone."

  "That doesn't mean I don't have things going on! I told you I recently got a divorce, and I'm not exactly recovered from that."

  "I understand that. I was married for a bit too in Arizona. I totally get you need some space for yourself."

  "Thank you."

  "That said, I would like to meet sometime. Not tomorrow or the next day, but sometime soon. Please?"

  "All right. I generally treat myself to dinner out on Fridays. Want to meet then?"

  "You bet! Name the place."

To be continued...

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