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Thursday, April 18, 2019

Superman 2...and 2

   It's a bird, it's Superman, it''s...Trump Airlines!

   Nah, that's gone like other shitty ideas we've been cursed with, like millenials. Because they have no clue how good the original superhero movies used to be, some of their sequels, too.

   Speaking of which, recently I wrote about the glories of the 1978 classic "Superman" and how it is superior to the recent films that involve superhero infighting and generally antisocial behavior that makes them look less like heroes than shrink fodder. Well, when you have a great superhero film, it surely deserves a sequel.

   In this case, director Richard Donner decided to film the first and second films simultaneously, something that was not successfully mounted until the Lord of the Rings films, which resulted in a trilogy longer than my work day! Unfortunately, he was fired from the production and Richard Lester was brought in to finish the film.

   Now, for over 25 years, the Lester version is what we all knew as Superman 2. And it is a pretty good film, in many ways better than the original. For one thing, the musical themes from the original remain, though in a different way, with some new ones added. John Williams does not preside here, but rather Jerry Goldsmith, who has many film hits under his belt (L.A. Confidential, Chinatown, First Blood, among many others). The acting is also good, but there are also some instances of comic moments that are not necessary and take away from the plot, but that is just a mild ding. The plot itself is first rate and really helps us to understand this is a continuation from the first film, not just another new adventure.

   The opening is a quick rehash of the trial of three Kryptonian criminals: General Zod, his lady Ursa, and mindless muscle Non. Apparently they were trying to overtake the government. Once again we see them declared guilty by faceless jurors (not a bad idea really) but without Jor-El this time (the Godfather wanted too much money). They are sentenced to the Phantom Zone with Zod vowing revenge and then we are treated to a long opening credits sequence where we are treated to the highlight scenes of the original, even seeing Jeff East in his teen Clark Kent scenes.

   Cut to Metropolis at the Daily Planet, where Clark Kent is looking for Lois, who is in Paris covering a terrorist news story. He quickly heads to Paris to save snoopy Lois from the Eiffel Tower, where a hydrogen bomb has been placed. He takes the bomb to space, where it explodes. Coincidentally, the satanic Polaroid that is the phantom zone is nearby and the explosion breaks it apart, freeing the 3 villains. They proceed to the moon, fatally disrupting a joint American-Soviet lunar mission and discovering their new powers in the process.

   Meanwhile, Lex Luthor and moron henchman Otis break out of prison via the help of Eve Teshmacher in a hot air balloon. However, Otis is too heavy for the rope ladder and he is left behind and without any further involvement in the movie. Lex and Eve use a black box that tracks alpha waves to find the fortress of solitude. Here, Lex learns from the hologram of Superman's mom (remember no Brando here) of the three Kryptonian villains. He decides to seek them out, and after this scene, Eve is out of the film as well.

   Clark and Lois are assigned to expose corruption and fraud in Niagara Falls, posing as newlyweds. Here, she is noticing that Superman and Clark are never together and suspects they are one and the same. Clark eventually breaks down and admits it, and she admits she's in love with him. With that, they fly off to the fortress of solitude to, er, "talk". After a dinner made up of who knows what, including some bubbly that Superman apparently heisted form a liquor store, Superman must first consult his mother on this. Apparently if he wants to be with a human, he must become one forever. He enters a molecule chamber that strips him of his Kryptonian powers and muscle, then gets it on with Lois who seems less than thrilled.

   The villains descend upon Earth and begin wreaking havoc with the local community and law enforcement. The military is brought in but are taken out easily. Zod declares his intent to rule the planet, then heads with his 2 compatriots to the White House where, after, disposing of its crack security force, demands the President's surrender. The Prez does so, warning of Superman. Lois and Clark are at a truck stop where Clark is beat up by a vicious trucker while defending his and Lois's honor. While regaining consciousness, he hears the TV announcement of Zod's rule and heads back to the fortress, where he pleads for his parents to give him one more chance. They relent via the green crystal from the first movie.

   While Superman regenerates his powers, Lex Luthor makes contact with Zod, Ursa, and Non. While not impressed with him, they accept his deal to bring them to Superman in exchange for ruling Australia. They head to the Daily Planet where, instead of finding Superman they find Lois, Jimmy, and Perry. Lex hedges a bit, saying he brought them the "next best thing", hinting that Lois is the key to getting Superman. Whatever, Superman then shows up and a huge battle above and on the streets of Metropolis ensues. While Superman holds his own well, the villains' combined efforts to use his love of people prove to be too much of a disadvantage. Superman flies away, making the villains think he is a coward.

   They pursue him, via a lead from cowardly Lex, to the fortress, where Superman has a tactical advantage. When Ursa takes Lois hostage, Superman uses a reversed molecule chamber to keep him safe while the villains lose their powers outside the chamber. He then disposes of Zod, while Non falls and Lois decks Ursa. Superman then has Lex sent back to prison and uses a kiss to make Lois forget about his secret identity. He pays a visit to the truck stop where he settles a score with the violent trucker (without throwing one punch) and apologizes to the President. End of movie.

   Like I said, most of the movie is great. The one huge dig I have is the transformation of Lex Luthor from a scheming genius to a sniveling coward aiming for self-preservation. I know he's trying to gain favor with the evil trio, but he sheds all self respect in the process. I wondered why he didn't retrieve the block of Kryptonite he'd leveled at Superman on the villains.

   Anyway, skip to the 2000s. Richard Donner pieces together much of what he had made with some screen test footage and alternate takes, plus the original Williams music scores and releases on disc "Superman 2: The Donner Cut". Much of the movie is the same, though the themes of humor (particularly in music) from the Lester movie are for the most part removed, leaving us a darker take on the villains. In a way, this version is superior if somewhat incomplete.

   Overall, both versions are quite watchable over and over again as another example of good vs evil without the good going to the dark side. We will leave that for Superman III, aka The Richard Pryor Show.

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