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Sunday, July 9, 2023

Only in America

 Only in America would you need a warning sign to open a pizza box befoire eating the pizza.

Only in America would its national cheese actually be a highly processed 'amalgam' of cheese as opposed to cheese itself.

Only in America would an individual turkey be pardoned and be allowed to live through Thanksgiving.

Only in America would there be a popular sport like pro wrestling that's totally staged.

Only in America would stores need to lock up laundry pods so idiots won't steal and eat them.

Only in America would a deep fried piece of chicken doused in an overly sweet orange sauce be marketed as being Chinese.

Only in America would a 'reality' TV show making polygamous families seem acceptable to be produced.

Only in America would the medical inudstry recommend drugs and treatment and diets that could potentially worsen the health or kill the patients outright.

Only in America...nanny cams!

Only in America would we use an antiquated measurement system that the rest of the world, even ENGLAND, abandoned.

Only in America would you owe money most of your adult life for your schooling?

Only in America are taxes not included in store and restaurant item prices.

Only in America is sex and violence acceptable in media, but the cuss words are bleeped or replaced.

Only in America is tipping a major thing, and I don't mean cows.

Only in America do restaurant servers hover and do well-checks.

Only in America are college sports a big deal.

Only in America are drugs directly marketed on TV to consumers...with numberous warnings.

Only in America is white bread a thing.

Only in America does a bloodthirsty retail event directly follow a (meant to be) wholesome family gathering within a 12 hour period!

Only in America is supersizing a meal a thing.

Only Americans seek out their own cuisine when traveling abroad.

Only in America do people salivate over a pumpkin flavored espresso drink...a month before pumpkins are widely harvested.

Only in America are free refills in existence.

Only in America are 24 hour restaurants commonplace.

Only in America do obviously older people get carded for alcohol.

Only in America are superstores (Costco, Sam's Club, Wal Mart) in existence.

Only in America do we have lawyers who mass advertise.

Only in America are ice and AC so frequently used.

Only in America do people pledge loyalty to the national flag in schools.

Only in America will you see people shopping in their PJs...I think we need a law on this.

Only in America are wide public bathroom door gaps...another one that needs revamping.

And only in America would you find a moron like me who actually take the time to type all this and share for possible ridicule.

Please don't take all this as anti-American, for other nations have their own weirdnesses and take them as normal daily life. I love America, have been American all my 50 1/2 years.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
