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Sunday, September 8, 2019

Sonoma State University

   Once again, I find myself scrolling through friends' posts and coming up with an idea for a great article. It hasn't been that way for a while. In fact, I took a month off of Facebook because the political scene seemed to be taking over. Coming back, I see it has calmed down a bit. This morning I saw a post about my friend and her daughters scoping out colleges and low and behold, a pic of my alma mater Sonoma State University's sign showed up. Suddenly I was filled with memories that make me smile.

   Let's go back in time, 26 years in fact (insert wavy acid-induced images as needed). I was in San Diego living with my folks, and it wasn't the easiest situation anymore. I had tried the going away to college thing at West Virginia University 2 years prior (we'd been living in PA when that began), but I wasn't ready, now I was. In fact, a year of crappy part time jobs in San Diego made me eager to start college again and my GPA rose from the WVU grave like lightning at Miramar College, a pretty decent community college then.

   Community college gets one only so far, though. In the fall of 1993, my parents and I took a Labor Day weekend road trip to check out 3 colleges I had selected: Sonoma State, Chico State, and Fresno State Universities. We trekked up I 5 through the barren wastelands of the Central Valley to Stockton, then took a somewhat nicer CA 12 to Fairfield for the night.

   The next morning found us in cooler temperatures, a pleasant surprise. We drove on 12 into Napa County, seeing the hilly vineyards on a cloudy day. It was quite the pleasant surprise. The weather was the same when we got into Cotati and then the Sonoma State campus. What a beautiful place! The open feel with the trees, scattered buildings, and beautiful lawns sold me immediately. Driving toward Chico, we saw more of northern  California's beauty before hitting the ugliness of I 5 again. Chico itself was ok, but there was a sense of crowding that I didn't care for. Granted it was probably a Labor Day celebration, but the point was made. Coming back down on CA 99, we passed through some towns along with the bigger Sacramento before settling for the night in Modesto.  We gave Fresno a glance the next day but it was more of a courtesy glance...Sonoma State had won out!

   Almost a year later, my dad and I drove up to Sonoma State for an orientation. I stayed in the dorms with some other guys. Most of the dorms, especially the older ones, were named after wines. That night I stayed in the Traminer building (short for Gewurtztraminer). The next morning we ate in the Zinfandel dining hall then met with advisors of the departments we'd be majoring in. At the Liberal Studies office, I met someone who would end up becoming a great friend to this day: Kimberly Cognac. Later that day, my dad and I made our way through the Bay Area toward Monterey and the Big Sur coast, a nice scenic alternative to 5. As I would learn later, even 101 was more scenic than 5!

   In terms of my time at Sonoma State, I must say it was a great place to be at that point in life. In my first year (1994-95), I was in the Sonoma complex dorms. There I met a new assortment of people, many of whom would be long-term friends: Karen Squires, Scott Catania, Calista Archuleta, and Jennifer McPhee. The first semester went well with classes and dorm life. As a bonus, Kimberly was in one of my classes. Eating at the dining hall was always a fun experience. The dorms got to be a little loud and boisterous at times, but Scott and I often took off for the movies or random drives through the boonies.

   The next semester, I was allowed to take my car there. I was also experiencing my first northern California wet winter. My drive there alone (previously chronicled) was a thrill in itself. I was also interested in getting to know Kimberly better, and we did go out a few times. Sadly, my parents' divorce that semester turned my emotions inside out for a long time, and I wasn't in the right frame for a friendly relationship for a long time. On a plus note, I made another good friend in classic rock-loving Rob Lander that winter/spring. My liberal studies courses were beginning that semester and I met another friend in Sarah Scallon.

   The following year (1995-96), Rob, Scott, and I were in the on-campus apartment building Merlot. We had a 4th with us, a Tourette's- stricken poor soul named Ed. I must say I did and said stuff that year directed at Ed that I am ashamed of now. I was angry about the divorce still and somehow he became my target (not without provocation, though). Down the hall were Karen and Kimberly along with their roomies Kerenza and Lori. On the food note, we became experts at shopping frugally for the week at Food 4 Less, not going over $80. My grades slipped a bit that fall, but the next semester they were brought up and I also took on a job at the Commons as a dishwasher, bringing in some extra money. Rob, Scott, and I also partook in making a movie with Rob's camcorder. That spring, Karen and Kimberly graduated.

   In the summer of 1996, Scott and I got an apartment off campus. He was working at the credit union and I was on the painting crew on campus repainting the dorms. We still shopped at Food 4 Less, but with our jobs we made a bit extra to go beyond the $80 limit at times. In the fall, Rob joined us for one semester to finish out his units. Kimberly and I saw a bit of each other (she still had a class or 2 to take), but the divorce stuff was still in my system and that didn't pan out. In terms of classes, I was having a pretty good time, even taking in a tennis class for fun. The next semester, Kimberly was gone, and I was working on my last classes for graduation. I was also volunteering in an elementary school for one of the classes. I saw a bit more of Sarah that year, but nothing ever came of that.

   Graduation came in May. It was a sad departure from my home of 3 years, and a little depression set in that summer. Three years later after some time as a substitute teacher, I returned to Sonoma State for three semesters in the education program. I met some new friends there, particularly Jacqueline Rolfe and Molly Roach. It was nice to be on campus again for a little while longer, though I spent more time student teaching than being on campus for the last two semesters.

A post-script: I am friends with several people from my Sonoma State era still. I was Scott's best man and he was mine at both out weddings. I still talk to Rob from time to time and still talk to Karen and Jennifer on Facebook. As for Kimberly, she and her family moved to Vegas almost two years ago, and not only has our friendship renewed, she is also buds with Vickie and Natalie, which creates a great family feeling.

   Sonoma State...a great time in life!

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