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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Holy Nostaligia, Batman!

   Yes, once again I can enjoy my Saturday evenings watching an old favorite, the epitome of TV superhero fun for decades....the one...the only...the original...The Tick! No, just kidding, I am referring, of course, to the 1966-68 classic Batman. It's interesting that I can still sit and watch this show, like I can watch The Bob Newhart Show, All In The Family, The Wild Wild West, and The Edge of Night, with as much enjoyment as I did when I was younger. If I sit and watch Gilligan's Island, I will generally remember the episode yet not enjoy it as much as I once did, same goes for the Brady Bunch. I think I know the answer as far as Batman goes: Natalie!

   Yes, my daughter has helped me to enjoy Batman again in a couple of different ways. First, it's fun to listen to her sing the theme song (na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na BATMAN!).. This recent Saturday night tradition isn't the first for us, either. Batman was on every night on The Hub when she was just 1 and Batman was one of her first successful singing attempts. Now, 3 1/2 years later, we're enjoying it again and the funny thing is, she remembered the song for those years of not having it! Now she loves watching 2 episodes with me, then schmoozes me into watching Wonder Woman afterwards!

   What is the fascination with this show for about 35 years of my life? Well, there are quite a few things I could mention.

1) Alfred, the cool butler who knows, all sees all, and pretty much cleans all (Wayne Manor AND the Batcave!) A confidant and booster, he was actually larger-than-life moreso than the caped crusader himself!
2) The theme song, of course
3) The Batmobile: a super car with all sorts of weapons, communications and anti-theft systems onboard
4) Commissioner Gordon and Chief O'Hara, 2 completely useless Irish stooge cops who can't make a move without calling Batman. Even when there's a new villain in town, they don't try to earn their paychecks, they just call Batman. The highlight of this is when Liberace threatens Gotham City's peace, and Batman is away, the look of horror on Gordon's face as he says, "We might have to solve this OURSELVES!"
5) The Green Hornet/Kato crossover episode pair: The clash of these heroes with the Dynamic Duo makes for a good set of fact, it is one of the last good episodes that aired before the dreaded Batgirl season, but more on that later!
6) And, of course, the VILLAINS!

There were quite a few fun villains I love to see, and of course some big duds.

1) The Riddler as played by Frank Gorshin. He was the most fun to watch, yet mainly confined to the first season. They tried a recast with John Astin, but I can't look at Astin without thinking of The Addams Family and Night Court!  Gorshin came back for one of the Batgirl episodes but it was lame and too late.
2) Mr. Freeze: played 3 times with 3 different actors. I liked all 3, this guy definitely had the chill theme going.
3) The Joker: this guy was fun for most of his appearances...then became a spoiled, whiny thug  toward the end.
4) The Penguin: Fun and pompous at all times, he never changed. My favorite memory is him running for mayor!
5) The Catwoman: Julie Newmar MADE this villainess, both in voice and figure! Eartha Kitt ruined the character in the Batgirl season :(
6) The Mad Hatter: a strange villain with a sleep-ray top hat who somehow made 2 appearances. David Wayne was known as a fairly low-key yet talented actor of the 40s through 70s and not a Batworthy one really, but he seemed to have fun and those episodes are always watchable.
7) King Tut: his first 2 appearances were fun, the rest were just dumb. Victor Buono made any of his roles memorable, but this one was overplayed.
8) The Bookworm: played by Roddy McDowall, this one (and when I say one, I mean a pair of episodes) was great and unfortunately limited to the one pair of episodes. His British manner makes him very entertaining.
9) Egghead: His one good appearance set is his first, where he's a pun-spewing master criminal... his appearances in the Batgirl episodes, paired with the Cossack Olga, are quite lame.
10) The Puzzler: essentially, this is Samantha's father Maurice from Bewitched being made into a mild criminal...and yet a fun episode pair.

And now here's the my ever-not-so-humble opinion. Hey, I'm 41, I can think what I want!

1) Aunt Harriett: Larry Mondello's too-old mom from Leave It To Beaver is now the aunt to Robin, er, Dick Grayson. She's not from the comics, she was merely brought in to, apparently, dispel the idea that our duo is gay. Yeah, like she'd help to fool anyone! The gay jokes were going to happen, which makes the show even more fun to watch. Apart from her ruse, she was also a perpetual victim of kidnappings, robberies, and a victim of the evil Liberace to try to steal the Wayne fortune.
2) Louie the Lilac: Milton Berle at his lamest. He was in 2 Batgilr episodes and they were single episode stories.....1 did the trick to prove he sucked!
3) Shame: I like Cliff Robertson, but he was wasted here as a deranged cowboy....2 stories, and 1 of them in the Batgirl year.
4) Marsha, Queen of Diamond: Morticia Addams as a money-grubbing temptress...and she was even brought back to partner with Penguin! Um, no!
5) A few other 1-timers: The Archer, Ma Parker, The Minstrel, The Siren, Minerva, Dr. Cassandra, Zelda (this one wasnt's too bad, but not a favorite!), the Black Widow, Nora Clavicle, and Lord Marmaduke Fogg (a terrible Batgirl 3 parter!)
and...drum roll, please.....
6) Batgirl! Now, the character wasn't too bad, but her introduction also brought about a huge decline in production values. There were a lot of 1-episode stories (thankfully!) and the dialogue got worse. There were no decent new villains introduced, Eartha Kitt was now Catwoman, and our favorites Riddler, Joker, and Penguin were just wasted.

   All of this means: I will watch all of them, because, as a Doors fan, I listen to all of the songs, and as a Batman fan, I will watch all of the episodes. Why? Because 20 years ago I learned the fun of watching something and poking fun at it whether it was good or bad (thank you Mystery Science Theater 3000!) Catch you next time, Same Bryan Time (inconsistent), Same Bryan Channel!

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