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Monday, December 31, 2012

2012- me and death

Well, armageddon did not least not this year. The Mayans either made a mistake...or someone just wanted to generate hype. Gee, which could it be? Hmm... When I think of that whole Mayan calendar doomsday thing, I am reminded of the movie "Mars Attacks", where there is a character played by Remington Steele who convices Jack Nicholson (who somehow got into the White House) to be friendly to the Martians. This character has no background with aliens, he just speaks with a British accent and smokes a pipe, which, as we all know, makes any twerp an expert to the average American eye, especially in a documentary.

Apart from that, on a personal level, 2012 was an ok year. Yes, just ok. However, it was worlds better than 2011, which ranks among my worst years (2001, 2005, and 2010 qualify in that aspect). Now, when I qualify these rankings, I am referring to my professional life in the American public elementary school. It has been a rollercoaster ride for about 3 years now, since I have worked at 3 schools in that time. I am happy to say that things seem to be finally settling down. I will cross my fingers, though.

At home, things are going really well. I have been with Vickie for almost 7 years now come February. She and I have loved watching our little Natalie grow for 3 1/2 years now. She is our treasure in life, no 2 ways about it!

Writing-wise, things have been, well, ssssllllloooooowwwwwwww. I have spent much time trying to be a good 2nd grade teacher curriculum and style-wise that my writing time and endurance have gone down. I hope 2013 proves to be more prolific.

Okay, enough about little ol-40 years old me, let's get to death. Every year, we lose a good number of celebrities that we assumed would live forever. Let's look at some highlights.

Charles Durning- recent Christmas day death, actually. I will always remember him playing a stubborn cop in a few movies, as well as a lovable old guy on "Evening Shade". He will be missed.

Jack Klugman- TV's Oscar Madison and medical examiner Quincy. Rest in Peace!

Larry Hagman- seriously, I am split as to whether I think of him more as Major Nelson or J.R. Ewing. He was talented in both roles.

Alex Karras- Mongo, that's what I'll always see Karras as. I know he did a lot of other stuff, but I really don't care about his asshole sheriff in Porky's or kind dad in "Webster".

Andy Williams- not everyone's favorite singer (who is?), but "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year" is a regular staple of our Christmas song lineup.

Neil Armstrong- 1969 made this man famous world-wide, and I like to think that he was what all aspiring astronauts wanted to be, the first person to officially step in new territory.

Phyllis Diller- the cackle and the wild hair will be watching over us forever after 95 years. That's a good life!

Ron Palillo and Robert Hegyes- Horshack and Epstein, respectively. The nose and the laugh.... and notes from Epstein's mother. Nuff said.

Marvin Hamlisch- great movie pianist!

Sherman Hemsley- At last, he has joined Weezie in Heaven! Like Carroll O'Connor, he hit fame at a time that will probably never come again. Reruns will keep Mr. Jefferson alive forever.

Sally Ride- She was probably what all aspiring female astronauts wanted to be, and that's ok.  RIP!

Rodney King- Unfortunately, he is more remembered as a cause to a bigger, tragic event and not as a person in his own right. He was savagely beaten over 20 years ago, and died at the bottom of a pool this year. A tragic life where something tragic might have turned positive for him in the future. FOr it, it seems, it did not.

Ray Bradbury- great sci-fi writer! RIP!

Richard Dawson- Once again, is he more famous for playing British POW Newkirk or for kissing contestants on "Family Feud"? Either way, we have lost a great talent.

Robin Gibb- Another BeeGee gone, and now we just have Barry. Sad really, these talented Gibbs have left far too early.

Donna Summer- talented singer whose disco hits are cherished, mostly by late 70s enthusiasts. Digital 70s radiuo stations will keep her spirit alive, and I do believe she worked hard for her money.

Maurice Sendak- beloved children's author and illustrator. I hope his stories remain a staple of libraries and schools forever!

George Lindsey- Goober is gone, but so is a good character actor on many shows as well as a lovable coot on Hee Haw. RIP!

Junior Seau- Now, football has never been my passion, but having lived in San Diego for a short time, he was visible to me in the early 90s. His age and cause of death would lead me to think (without knowing ALL the facts mind you) he didn't feel he had a good life after the football career ended. Whatever it was, though, he was (and hopefully still is) a beloved San Diego figure.

Dick Clark- If there was a word for him while I was growing up, it was VISIBLE. He was on game shows both as a panelist and host, he did "Bandstand", as well as various TV specials and commercials. Above all, he seemed ageless. New Year's will never be the same. Vicious postscript: Ryan Seacrest, you will never replace this man, you don't have the charisma.

Jonathan Frid- Barnabas Collins will forever lie in his coffin. If you've never seen a Dark Shadows episode from 1967 onward, you are probably saying, who?

Mike Wallace- hard-hitting jounralist. 60 Minutes has large shoes to fill.

Davy Jones- Monkees singer (and not the one with a locker). RIP!

Whitney Houston- great singer who succumbed to bad marriage and drugs (one I suspect greatly influenced the other). I prefer to remember her in the 80s before the drama began.

Ben Gazzara- a great tough-guy actor! RIP!

Don Cornelius- the don of Soul Train and R&B. That deep voice, need I go on?. RIP!

Joe Paterno- He WAS Penn State football, I don't care about the controversy that surrounded him when he died. I wasn't a Penn State fan, but I respected his work.

Bob Anderson- who? Ah yes, he created the lightsaber duel style in the original Star Wars trilogy, and the duel scenes to me are the best parts of all the movies (and since Attack of the Clones's duel was so lame, that should say enough about the whole movie)

Looking at that long list, I can't imagine who else could go next year. All in all, I hope everyone goes into 2013 with a positive attitude. Tough, I know, with the political and economic climate so bleak. However, what else can we go into the new year with? A bleak outlook could make the whole year terrible, and that's not what life is all about.

Happy New Year everybody!

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