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Monday, December 5, 2011

Coming soon....look out!

Last Saturday, my wife and I went to a movie for the first time in several months...and it may be a longer time, based on what we were forced to see before our movie even started! If it were not for 2 free movie passes we got last Christmas (am I allowed to say that without being assaulted for sensitivities violations?), we would have stayed at home to battle ants. And that plotline sounds better than the ones in the previews we were "honored" with. Let's see, another goofball comedy about CIA agents battling over a girl, I'm pretty sure there was a romantic comedy there somewhere, and some travesty with Catherine Heigl (the only fun thing about her is making new pronunciations of Heigl with a Nazi salute). I am afraid that, with rising popcorn and soda costs, we will be using on-demand more often in the next several months. What I want to know is....WHAT HAPPENED TO THE DAYS OF CRAP WE COULDN'T WAIT TO SEE???

Seriously, from my childhood through the early 2000s, a range of about 35 years, there was almost always what they called a "blockbuster" summer, where they poured steaming hot crap onto celluloid that looked pretty good! At least one movie every year came to mind, and many were good and rewatched today. So, I've compiled a list going back to 1983, and ending in 2002, of movies I looked forward to seeing (and more often than not, did) at the theater.

Note- This list is only movies I looked forward to seeing from previews and TV ads. Movies my parents dragged me to see and I ended up liking anyway don't count. Some of these were worth it...and others were, well, forgettable at best.

1. Return of the Jedi- Hands down, a disappointing conclusion, but I waited 3 years to see it...the green lightsaber rocked! Ewoks just an inch from being gremlins.
2. Superman 3- Mixing Christopher Reeve and Richard Pryor was a disaster, but the Good vs Evil Superman scene was pretty good.
3. Wargames- Computers starting World War 3....gave me fantasies about rigging my Atari 2600! Incidentally, saw this one at the long-defunct Shillington one-room theater.

1. Star Trek 3: The Search for Spock- The Wrath of Khan made this one a necessity, and I still like it. Christopher Lloyd as a Klingon (shortly after Taxi!) is priceless!
2. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom- If it weren't for Kate Capshaw's 2-hour scream, this movie may have been redeeming.
3. Splash- Was a favorite then, a favorite now
4. Ghostbusters- Same as Splash in terms of being a favorite. Stay Puft Marshmallow Man is always a classic!
5. Johnny Dangerously-I'm almost embarrassed to say it, but it looked funny...note: I have it on DVD, meaning I value it above today's Heigl crap

1. Back to the Future- It still rocks to this day...goes to show that retro rules no matter what decade you're in!
2. Fletch- Loved it, then read the books. I still like it, but now feel Chevy Chase wasn't what the author had in mind.
3. Explorers- Pure, total crap! River Phoenix and Ethan Hawke still had promising careers despite this.
4. Summer Rental- good, average John Candy flick, which is a good thing, may he Rest in Peace
5. European Vacation- The Griswold's were stale here, but redeemed themselves years later for the holidays

1986- a fairly fruitful year
1. Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home- a fun movie my wife and I like to watch from time to time
2. Karate Kid 2- Daniel-San beating that Okinawan bully's face with his fists is still a favorite climax!
3. Ruthless People- looked stupid, was stupid...and it's funny nonetheless!
4. Every Time We Say Goodbye- Just kidding! Tom Hanks wasn't ready for his Oscar drama years just yet.
5. The Mosquito Coast- I love Harrison Ford, but this was a downer at the end, and no 13 year old wants a downer...haven't seen it since!
6. The Fly- yes, a horror flick with Jeff Goldblum. One might argue that all of his films are, but this was a nice remake of a classic (as remakes go!)

1987-1990 coming soon

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