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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Tragedy turned tragic

I will be straightforward: I do not like child killers. Who does? Even Mr. Wilson would not harm a hair on Dennis's head. Here is another straightforward opinion: I do not like child killers' (or alleged, to keep me away from lawsuits that would take away...let's see...a leased car and a rented apartment, and a teacher's paltry salary)images and videos all over my TV. It really cuts into my Bugs Bunny hour on digital cable!
CNN Headline News has really taken this case to the extreme. Every time we finish watching something on the DVR, CNN HL is the default channel for some reason. For the past week, America (meaning the residents of my apartment, at the very least) has been subjected to every detail of the Casey Anthony saga. I really do not know if she killed her little girl, and I do hope she did not. I am sad that a child's life was taken away unnecessarily. I do not know Casey Anthony personally, and quite frankly, neither does 99% of the American population.
My point is this: the American population is being stirred up by a very tragic occurrence. This may be a ruse to take our minds off the economy and never-ending Middle East situation. Hey, a good old Warner Brothers cartoon does it for me, and also episodes of "Cops". What bothers me is that there are other moms and dads who have definitely neglected and/or killed their children for selfish reasons, yet they were not equally vilified in public.

Today I saw another Headline News update about Ms. Anthony: she will be released soon and may be looking to go to another country. Not to darken an already dark cloud, but I do not believe she will make it that far. There are so many whackos out for "justice", as they say, who will gladly take the law into their own hands during this "media event".

Do I really need to paint a picture here? What's more, we will never hear the end of it. Headline News will be so full of opinionated heads in jars that the media will make use of the Emergency Alert know, those annoying scrolls on your TV when there's a flood, tornado, hurricane, or a senatorial sneeze approaching. They are sometimes accompanied by static bursts and the classic frightening-to-little-kids-like-me beeps just for nostalgia. I can just see it now: "Emergency Alert Message: Anthony's killer protesting sentencing to Sheriff Joe Arpaio's jail, lawyer protests client's pink wardrobe"

In closing, I have my opinions about Casey Anthony. So does my wife. We all have them. Now let's move on! The Road Runner is on next!

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